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By use

Key Action
Train control
CTRL+Z Opens inbounds form to bring a train onto the map
Z Increase train speed by 5mph.
X Decrease train speed by 5mph.
S Stop train.
R Reverse train. If train is moving, train is slowed gradually to the user-defined "Reverse Train at Speed" (options) and then set in reverse at that speed.
U Uncouple train at selected car.
G Set train speed to 15mph.
A Reverse train and set speed to 5mph.
V Increase train throttle by one notch.
B Decrease train throttle by one notch.
, (Comma) Increase train speed by 1mph if below 15mph.
. (Period) Decrease train speed by 1mph if below 15mph.
I & O Change train selection by cycling through on-map trains. I ascending and O descending. Moves map view to view the current train. If follow mode is active (F hotkey) then selection is limited to moving trains only.
J & K Change unit (car) selection within the current train by cycling through units in a train. J forward and K backward in the train list.
F Toggle Follow mode on the selected train.
CTRL+9 Toggles display of white line on empty cars
CTRL+0 Cycles through time compression modes from 1 (scale speed) to 5. Default time compression on opening a map is 2.
Train Operations
Space Open Train Information Window for current train.
Alt-P Reverse locomotive orientation, if currently selected train is a single locomotive.
H Set destination of unassigned cars in train to current yard, if possible.
Alt-H As with H, but in MIMs, set to the parent yard, rather than current location.
Ctrl-H Set destination of unassigned cars in the train to their billed origin, or to last loading location.
Alt-J Instantly load and unload cars for the current map in the current train (see also Local Delivery. All cars must be for one destination.
Ctrl-J As with Alt-J, but also subsequently loads any car that was unloaded, if possible on the current map.
Ctrl-L When Manual Unload Mode is enabled, or when handling Passenger Cars, load or unload cars in the current train. When handling Roadrailers, load cars (see Ctrl-U for unload).
Alt-ScrollLock Toggle Manual Unload Mode.
Ctrl-U When handling Roadrailers, unload cars (see Ctrl-L for load).
Ctrl-B Delete Roadrailer trucks.
Ctrl-A Abort Roadrailer (un)loading.
Ctrl-C Toggle Chat input box in map.
Ctrl-1 to 4 Set chat to one of four pre-defined vertical positions.
F11 Toggle use of intermodal cranes for intermodal cars.
Map Control and Operations
P Pause game
Ctrl-0 Toggle through Time Compression settings (1x-5x).
M Open Siding List for the current map.
Alt-M Open Default Loads setup for the current map.
E Open Exit List for the current map.
Esc Toggle display of Control Panel.
Insert Save current map and trains (automatically saved every five minutes and when map is closed).
Arrow keys Move map in the specified direction.
AltR Open Switched Roads dialogue box.
Page Up Toggle active turntable, which is indicated as a blue line.
Scroll Lock Start clockwise rotation of current turntable, or stop if currently moving.
Shift-. (Shift-Period) Start clockwise rotation of current turntable, or stop if currently moving.
Pause Start anticlockwise rotation of current turntable, or stop if currently moving.
Shift-, (Shift-Comma) Start anticlockwise rotation of current turntable, or stop if currently moving.
Car Display Filters and Hump Yards
1 Color cars by car type (set in Yard, State, Railroad, and Car Colors dialog).
2 Color cars by destination state (set in Yard, State, Railroad, and Car Colors dialog).
3 Color cars by destination map (set in Yard, State, Railroad, and Car Colors dialog).
4 Display Bad Order cars in flashing red.
5 Display cars for the current map in purple (for MIMs, different shades for different identities).
6 Color cars by destination railroad (set in Yard, State, Railroad, and Car Colors dialog).
7 Color cars by blocks
Shift-3 Display custom user-defined filters (manifest, autorack, and intermodal)
Shift-4 As with Shift-3, but display autoracks using manifest filters.
Shift-5 As with Shift-3, but display autorack and intermodal cars using manifest filters.
9 Set up custom user-defined filters and hump setup.
Shift-A Set up custom autorack filters shown in Shift-3 view.
Shift-I Set up custom intermodal filters shown in Shift-3 and Shift-4 views.
Display Options
Q Toggle display of common/static leg of switches.
T Toggle display of chat in map.
Y Toggle between colored chat and black chat with a light background.
F1 to F4 Set user defined views 1-4, which can be opened by pressing V1-V4 on the control panel.
Ctrl-5 to 8 Set user defined views 5-8, which can be opened by pressing V1-V4 on the control panel while holding the Ctrl button.
F5 Toggle display of car information on mouseover.
F6 Toggle sound.
F8 Toggle display of gameplay information in chat (train movements, uploads and downloads).
F9 Move control panel to left side of screen.
F12 Toggle flashing marker for currently selected car.
8 Toggle flashing markers at the non-articulated ends of articulated cars.
Ctrl-D Toggle display of orange directional markers when selecting a train.
Ctrl-V Toggle display of hidden tracks.
D Toggle display of debug data (FPS, number of switches in yard/unused, last right click/current coordinates).